
Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Yesterday some people from my school went skiing,. I went with my friend Sid and his Dad in there car and the other people went in the bus. On the way the there Me and Sid got maccas and powerade and his Dad bought us some lollies. When we got there we had to wait for the bus to get there when the bus got there we had to put on the ski boots and get our skis. Then we had had to go do some lessons then we were aloud to go to the other ski field. I fell off heeps but it was really fun.


Friday, September 11, 2020


In Science Me and Lewis have been working on our garden plan. So far we have planed out what plants we will have in our summer garden we have some ideas for our winter and spring plants. We haven't got that far into it but I think that it will look good when were done.   

The Dawn Raids of then 1970's

This week in Literacy we have been learning about The Dawn Raids. The government made a statement that the over stayers had to go back to where they came from.

The cops went to the over stayers houses at dawn and arrested them and sent them back home. The word dawn raids meant that at dawn the police would go and raid homes in the early morning.

The Polynesian Panthers became the voice of the Pasifika People who told them about their rights. It was not only the Polynesian targeted it was also the British.   

Friday, September 4, 2020

My Opinion 2020

   OPINION 2020

Legalising cannabis. My opinion is that it should not be legal but people that are sick should be allowed to use it for medical use.

End of life. My opinion for the end of life opinion is that it should be allowed so people don't have to be in pain and can say goodbye to loved ones.  


Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 Write about the image below. 

Do the research-Mexico Olympics, 1968?

Why was it controversial?

The 1968 Olympics was held in Mexico. In this photo there are two African American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos and an Australian athlete Peter Norman. The two African American athletes were wearing black gloves with their fists in the air protesting against racial discrimmination.

List the 3 athletes and countries they’re from. 

Tommie Smith was born in Texas U.S.A. John Carlos was born in New York U.S.A. Peter Norman was born in Coburg Australia.